Though the RSS Feeds are the primary means of syndication this site also publishes JSON Feeds specifically for applications looking for new and active codes.

The RSS Feeds are a chronological list of the most recent codes regardless of status while the JSON feeds are ALL of the ACTIVE codes for a specific filter. For example, if you were to load the Borderlands 3 RSS Feed, it would show you the 10 most recent SHiFT Codes where more than likely the majority of them have already expired. The JSON Feed however, will show you every single SHiFT Code for the game but only if they are still active.

The JSON Feeds are generated atleast once a day and automatically updated anytime a new code is published. This means that generally speaking the feed should only contain active codes, but it is possible to occassionally return expired codes as the feed is at a minimum updated once daily.

Example SHiFT Feed (Borderlands 3)

[{"meta": {
    "version": "1.0",
    "description": "Active Borderlands 3 SHiFT Codes",
    "attribution": "Data provided by Orcicorn's SHiFT and VIP Code archive",
    "permalink": "",
    "generated": {
        "epoch": "1573576323",
        "human": "Tue, 12 Nov 2019 11:32:03 -0500"
      { "code":"JU5T1-N15AP-5YCH0-P4TH1-CDUD3",
        "game":"Borderlands 3",
        "reward":"1 Gold Key",
        "archived":"12 Nov 2019 11:28:19 -0400",
        "expires":"13 Nov 2019 23:59:59 -0400",
      { "code":"3P5T3-1ND1D-NTK1L-LH1M5-3LF00",
        "game":"Borderlands 3",
        "reward":"1 Gold Key",
        "archived":"10 Aug 2019 15:02:52 -0400",

Example VIP Feed

Note: Gearbox discontinued the VIP Program on 18 May 2020. The VIP archive feed remains accessible however it will no longer be updated.

[{"meta": {
    "version": "1.0",
    "description": "Active VIP Codes",
    "attribution": "Data provided by Orcicorn's SHiFT and VIP Code archive",
    "permalink": "",
    "generated": {
        "epoch": "1573576323",
        "human": "Tue, 12 Nov 2019 11:32:03 -0500"
      { "code":"YESJUSTIN",
        "reward":"250 Points",
        "archived":"09 Nov 2019 18:44:24 -0400",
      { "code":"THEGAME",
        "reward":"69 Points",
        "archived":"22 Oct 2019 08:13:34 -0400",
        "expires":"31 Dec 2019 23:59:59 -0500",

Usage Requirements

When utilizing these feeds in your application there are only a couple things required of you

  1. Use reasonable client-side caching to avoid overwhelming the feed server. Codes always last at least a few hours theres no need to check every 60 seconds. Your application will be blocked if you abuse the feed.

  2. Provide credit for the data feed somewhere in your application utilizing the “Attribution” and “Permalink” fields in the feed. For example you could add these to your About Dialog.

  3. When linking to the site use the URL provided in the feed. It simply appends some query strings to keep analytics organized.

Generation Notes

The JSON data feeds are automatically updated anytime a new code is published on the site. In addition to this, they will be automatically regenerated every 6 hours to remove codes that expired since the last update. This occurs at 00:02, 06:02, 12:02 and 18:02 server-time ( New York, USA ). You should use the meta.generated field in the feed to determine the freshness of your cached data.

JSON Data Feeds